
Showing posts from April, 2023

ETD: Obstructive jaundice for investigation

I have completed 5 mandatory postings, currently tagging in final posting, which is the Emergency and Trauma posting. Day in day out I see a lot of interesting cases, I think it is worthwhile to share these interesting cases in this blog as the blog has been abandoned for a long time. This case I saw few days ago was a 60 years old gentleman, came in complained of generalised body weakness and abdominal discomfort for 3 to 4 days. When we first saw this gentleman, he appeared to be restless and looked really yellow, and it was an obvious full blown jaundice. At first we thought this is some kind of decompensated liver failure secondary to liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma, but upon further questioning, the family member mentioned they only realised the jaundice in past few days and worsening on the day of visiting ETD. He was previously NKMI, not known of any liver disease, hepatitis infection or malignancy, had a history of right bimalleolar fracture, done ORIF and plating 7...