
Showing posts from February, 2022

O&G: Unstable lie for external cephalic version (ECV)

This is a case of a 30+ years old lady, G5P4 at 39+0 week period of gestation, electively admitted to ward for external cephalic version due to unstable lie. The fun thing is we just had the CME for unstable lie last week, so some knowledge is still fresh in head, and it is excited to see some real cases after you have your theory discussion. So for unstable lie, patient need to be admitted for lie chart, and if it is a breech, an ECV would be performed. If ECV fails, then options like vaginal breech delivery or LSCS would be considered. Unstable lie is only diagnosed when the patient is term. And this patient obviously has the most common risk factor which is high number of parity as this patient is a grandmultipara. However other risk factors need to be screened as well including placenta praevia, polyhydramnious, fetal anomalies or even pelvic tumours. And since this patient is admitted for ECV, there are other contraindications for ECV to be screened as well.  The lie chart is ...